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The Gender Equality Seal for Public Institutions is a voluntary awarding programme specifically designed for public institutions, that aims to support, recognize and champion public institutions that commit to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment. 

In line with SDG 5 (gender equality and women’s empowerment) and SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions), the programme provides public institutions with a feasible and practical framework to strengthen their capacities, enhance the gender responsiveness of their work, and ultimately deliver for gender equality in a more effective and visible way. 

Within this framework, the Seal establishes standards and performance benchmarks based on international and regional agreements and commitments, providing public institutions with a practical roadmap to put institutional commitments into practice, paving the way for gender responsive results at three key levels: 

  • Leadership and political commitment; 
  • Public policy cycle management; 
  • Organizational and institutional management.


The Gender Equality Seal is implemented in five stages, within a 12-18 months timeframe. The stages include: 

  1. Engage - Establishment of institutional arrangements to begin the process. 
  2. Baseline assessment - Self-assessment process to identify gender gaps based on the requirements of the standards. 
  3. Action plan for improvement - Development and implementation of a plan of action for improvement, focused on addressing the areas of non-compliance identified in the self-assessment. 
  4. External assessment - Final independent evaluation to assess the level of progress and achievements. 

Seal certification - Awarding of the Bronze, Silver or Gold UNDP Gender Equality Seal.


Find out more about the institutions taking part in the Gender Equality Seal for Public Institutions programme below.

Institution/Organization Country/territory Region Description Period of implementation Status
Superintendency of Banks Dominican Republic Latin America

The Superintendency of Banks is an autonomous institution responsible for the supervision of financial intermediation entities, and verifies compliance by said entities with the provisions of laws and regulations.

The institution received the silver certification. 

2021 Completed
Dominican Telecomunication Institute (INDOTEL) Dominican Republic Latin America

The Dominican Telecomunication Institute is an autonomous regulating agency for telecommunications in the Dominican Republic. Its mission is to guarantee the supply and universal access of telecommunications services, favoring the rights of users, through the development and regulation of telecommunications and digital signatures.

The programme received the silver certification. 

2021 Completed
SUPÉRATE Dominican Republic Latin America

The Supérate programme focuses on social intervention through the integration of conditional monetary transfers, socio-educational support and links with State programmes and services.

The programme has received the silver certification. 

2021 Completed
Single Beneficiary System (SIUBEN) Dominican Republic Latin America

The Single Beneficiary System is an institution attached to the Social Policy Coordination Cabinet responsible for identifying and prioritizing eligible families to receive the benefits of social programmes and subsidies carried out with public resources.

The institution received the gold certification. 

2021 Completed
General Directorate of Public Procurement Dominican Republic Latin America

The General Directorate of Public Procurement is the main body with competence for setting government procurement policy and enforcing compliance, and it is also vested with the power to oversee the bidding process.

The institution has received the gold certification. 

2021 Completed
General Directorate of Public and Private Partnerships Dominican Republic Latin America

The General Directorate of Public and Private Partnerships promotes and regulates public-private alliances, ensuring compliance with the law and mitigating the risks of the projects, through the regulation and supervision of the public and private agents.

The institution has received the bronze certification. 

2021 Completed
Central Electoral Board of the Dominican Republic Dominican Republic Latin America

The Central Electoral Board of the Dominican Republic is a special body responsible for ensuring a democratic and impartial electoral process, and also administers the civil registry.

The institution has received the gold certification.

2021 Completed
Municipality of Santo Domingo Este (ASDE) Dominican Republic Latin America

The Municipality of Santo Domingo Este promotes development in the municipality, managing the needs of the population through administration in the management of public resources.

The institution has received the bronze certification. 

2021 Completed
Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MATE) Ecuador Latin America

The Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition is the State portfolio in charge of environmental policy in Ecuador.

2023 On-going
Public Defender's Office Ecuador Latin America

The Public Defender's Office in Ecuador is an autonomous body of the judicial function, which provides free legal defense to those people unable to afford services for their own legal defense.

2022 On-going
Institute of Tourism El Salvador Latin America

The Salvadoran Institute of Tourism is a public utility entity in charge of the administration of the recreational centres it owns.

2024 On-going
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MAR) El Salvador Latin America

The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of El Salvador fulfills its mandate as rector of national environmental management, and promotes a vigorous citizen culture to recover the environment and reduce socio-environmental risks.

2023 On-going
Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) El Salvador Latin America

The Ministry of Tourism of El Salvador is the government entity that is responsible for determining and ensuring compliance with the national policy related to tourism matters.

2023 On-going
Ghana Revenue Authority Ghana Africa

The Ghana Revenue Authority is charged with the task of assessing, collecting and accounting for tax revenue in Ghana.

2023 On-going