National Mortgage Bank |
Panama |
Latin America |
The National Mortgage Bank is a state entity with legal status and autonomy. Its main function is to provide financing to national housing programmes.
2023 |
On-going |
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) |
Panama |
Latin America |
The Ministry of Economy and Finance of Panama is the Ministry in charge of managing and providing resources for the execution of the Government's plans and programmes and formulating the country's economic and social policy.
The institution has completed the process.
2020 |
Completed |
Ministry of Environment (MiAmbiente) |
Panama |
Latin America |
The Ministry of Environment of Panama is the Ministry in charge of managing natural resources and the environment.
The institution has completed the process.
2020 |
Completed |
National Institute of Vocational Training and Training for Human Development (INADEH) |
Panama |
Latin America |
The National Institute of Vocational Training and Training for Human Development is an autonomous institution, which promotes, establishes, organizes and maintains a national system that guarantees the professional training of human resources, in occupations required in the national development process.
The institution has been awarded the bronze certificate.
2020 |
Completed |
Electoral Tribunal of Panama |
Panama |
Latin America |
The Electoral Tribunal of Panama is the highest state body in charge of civil registration, identification cards, certification of civil status and holding of elections in the Republic of Panama.
The institution has been awarded the bronze certificate.
2020 |
Completed |
National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation (SENACYT) |
Panama |
Latin America |
The National Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Panama is an autonomous institution promoting the development of science, technology and innovation with the purpose of raising the level of productivity, competitiveness and modernization in the private sector, the government, the academic-research sector, and the population in general.
The institution has been awarded the gold certificate.
2020 |
Completed |
Municipality of Panama City |
Panama |
Latin America |
The Municipality of Panama City is responsible for improving the human and social development of the inhabitants of Panama City, promoting economic growth and managing public resources.
The institution has been awarded the bronze certificate.
2021 |
Completed |
Ministry of Labour and Labour Development (MITRADEL) |
Panama |
Latin America |
The Ministry of Labour and Labour Development of Panama is responsible for managing public work and decent employment policies, as well as facilitating the solution and prevention of labour conflicts and improving the quality of life of all workers, bringing equity and justice.
The institution has been awarded the silver certificate.
2021 |
Completed |
Secretariat of Public Function |
Paraguay |
Latin America |
The Secretariat of Public Function is an institution dependent on the Presidency of Paraguay, in charge of issuing technical standards, advising institutions on people management and development policies, training public servants, promoting and monitoring compliance with public service laws, with technology, research and innovation.
2021 |
On-going |
Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security (MTESS) |
Paraguay |
Latin America |
The Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security is responsible for guaranteeing compliance with current labour regulations, improving working conditions and upholding the fundamental rights of workers.
2021 |
Completed |
Ministry of Social Development |
Paraguay |
Latin America |
The Ministry of Social Development is the Ministry responsible for contributing to the equitable social development of individuals, families and communities.
The institution received the Bronze certification.
2021 |
Completed |
Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock |
Paraguay |
Latin America |
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock is the Ministry responsible for contributing to the sustainable and competitive development of the country's agricultural sector.
2021 |
On-going |
Supreme Court of Justice of Paraguay |
Paraguay |
Latin America |
The Supreme Court of Justice of Paraguay is the highest court of justice. It exercises superintendence, with disciplinary power over courts, tribunals, auxiliaries of justice and offices dependent on the Judicial branch.
The institution has been awarded the silver certificate.
2021 |
Completed |
General Comptroller of the Republic |
Peru |
Latin America |
The General Comptroller of the Republic is the highest authority of the National Control System. It supervises, monitors and verifies the correct application of public policies and the use of State resources and assets. To perform its functions efficiently, it has administrative, functional, economic and financial autonomy.
The institution received the Gold certification.
2023 |
Completed |